Friday, May 22, 2015

New Heavensward Dungeon Crawl official video

Yeah... looks epically schweeeet!

Not to mention the Dragonsong theme which has some very intriguing (albeit audio-less) cutscenes embedded within...

Job actions for Heavensward...

And then the Eorzea collection 2015...

Then there is the excellent mock versus fighting gameplay video created by Final Fantasy XIV's main scenario writer Kazutoyo Maehiro (apparently for giggles).  I think its bloody brilliant and should be implemented into Heavensward...

And now for the massive compilation of the second volume of my "400 Screenshots Collection" that some of you requested via email... prepare for an overload of pics (from gear sets to mission cutscenes) which were randomly selected from my collection spanning between late last year and early this year.

Minor spoilers are included but what the heck... you'll likely take a peek anyway....