Wednesday, August 11, 2010

FFXIV Beta Phase 3 gets new partches!

Yep yep... FFXIVCore have just put up an extensive list of additions and patches to the third phase of FFXIV beta and one could say the main theme or concept of this patch is "Speed and Ease".  Quite a lot of the new features revolve around the ease of functions and the vast shorting of the time required to perform several actions.  I was always keen about seeking out info and placing suggestions where necessary regarding the speed of actions on FFXIV and this comes as a wonderful surprise.   Spiffy innit?

And yes, linkshells have finally been added, with crests no less!  Those unfamiliar to FFXI can identify these "linkshells" as being similar to a method of communication between members of a "guild" but how they will affect the "Company" feature is yet to be seen.

Other stuff added is the ability to create macros (in which a set of multiple actions can be executed with a single command).  This another welcome addition and will greatly ease the flow of game dynamics.   The following were also some of the additions in the patch (full list and explanation on FFXIVCore):

  • Disciple of the Land ahd Hands have been implemented 
  • Players will now be able to switch their default chat mode.
  • Text commands have been added.
  • The auto-translate feature has been added.
  • New options have been added to the character creation process.
  • The cast timer for Return and Teleport has been removed.
  • And finally, to those gamers who have been eagerly wondering if the game will support gamepads, here's your confirmation:  "All actions can be assigned to gamepads using the FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version Config program.  The Config program can be found in the following location: Windows Start Menu -> All Programs -> SQUARE ENIX -> FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version -> FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version Config

No need to download the PS3 and other related gamepad apps floaing all over the net.  Just plug in and use the config program that comes with the game.  Yep...Kumba-ya baby.

Always everyone, please remember that all the official videos and images from SE were used here strictly for fan purposes; and all the product, system names and/or company logos remain the registered trademarks of Square Enix.  Copyright (C) 2010 SQUARE ENIX CO. LTD. All Rights Reserved

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