Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Skirmishers... Prepare for "Skirmish" and more 2.0 news

Yeah... what it says, good people.

The great folks at the FFXIV Development camp have just posted up a new style of raid that will likely be implemented with patch 1.23.  Termed "Skirmish", the official information on the Lodestone explains that it will be a new series of exercises created by the Eorzean Alliance  tailored towards initiating military exercises against the Garlean Imperial forces.

Location of the raids will be on two islands in the Cieldalaes, which I think (if memory serves me correctly), is where the final Armourer quest was initiated.  Perhaps we hold the lighthouse there against invading mobs?

We'll see how this goes as per sustaining people with end-game content... so far, I've been having fun with Hamlet Defense and it would be great to have something touse as a change of pace while waiting for 2.0.

What really interested me however, were the new set of possible weapon rewards from this new raid...

Looks good, but like everyone else Im anticipating what kind of stats these toys will have... we shall see.    Gotta feeling this will pan out to run similar to the FFXI's Dynamis, Abyssea or Einherjah and like I said, this should keep us very occupied until 2.0.

Speaking of 2.0, just this past weekend, the legendary Yoshi-P had some interesting stuff to show at the Japn Expo.   FFWorld  were the first that I found online with some spiffy new images of 2.0.

***BTW all credit for the images also go to www.ffworld.com ***

Ahhhh, but there's more... also found out someone was gracious enough to record Yoshi-P's presentation and share it on YouTube.  Much appreciated Bob1361.

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As always, some interesting new stuff, ehhh?  Anywayz, until laterz, be well everyone.

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