Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tales From The Shadows Part Four!

Yes indeed good ladies and gentlemen... part four of the Tales of Shadows is now released!

For this one, the foccal point of the story revolves around none other that Uncle Emet --the new nickname that several of my friends in Japan now fondly use to refer to Emet-Selch of the Convocation of the Fourteen.

Artwork by moogiedaisuki (posted by devon giehl)

I've always been keenly curious as to nature of the a certain friend of his from the Shadowbringer's storyline for 5.0 --Hythlodaeus strikes me as being closer to Emet than we initially imagined.

We also finally get a snippet of the relationship between himself and a younger Varis; which, in itself gives us a solid insight into the psychological dynamics of the House of galvus.

Brilliant, just brilliant... more to come someday soon.

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