Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Patch 5.11 released... and Ishgard Restoration unleashed!

Yes indeed, and the official patch notes can be found HERE.  As many of you regular readers know, I'm a massive fan of Ishgard  --the very name of this blog underlines my sentiments towards this wonderful city.

Thus, you all understand my excitement for this new event... it has great experience points for your DoL and DoH job classes, it encourages competition between the servers and it generally gives players a sense of direct involvement in rebuilding the residential area.

However, (and this is a huge problem), the dynamics involved with players being able to hop around all the servers to perform the FATE related to the event sometimes sours the ease and flow of players trying to actually invest time and effort in the rebuilding efforts for their own respective servers.  This is because when the fate starts, there is a massive congestion issue which essentially locks out players from the Firmanent area and even their own servers (with incredibly long queue times).

Goes without saying that the Devs will have to develop an alternative for this issue.

But seriously... the experience points gain is truly epic... I was getting 25 million exp on my level 74 fisher for less than 10 minutes of participating in the FATE

All aside though, I really enjoy the foundation of this event and it brings back an aspect of Hamlet from 1.0

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