Friday, February 14, 2020

Dengeki Interview With Naoki Yoshida regarding patch 5.2!

Yes indeed!

Wonderful, wonderful news and information emerged from this new latest interview by Dengeki with Yoshi P (HERE).  In addition, Famitsu and a couple other media sites also interviewed Yoshida and a consolidation of their translations can be found HERE on Reddit.

As mentioned in the interview, patches 5.2 & 5.3 are positioned as Part 1 & Part 2 of the next phase of the Shadowbringers storyline.  Yoshi also warns that the patch will take some considerable time to play and advises to put aside most of a whole day to really focus of the various amount of cutscenes and content that will be revealed in the MSQ.

Finally, below, I've added the link to the last Live letter which gave a couple hints about what we can hope to expect in the story for patch 5.2... can you guys figure them out?

Aaaah yes-- one more element to add.  A few players on the Primal servers have been asking me which job class (and subsequent glam-style) I had been playing while waiting for patch 5.2 to emerge (since I've given my main job Black Mage a brief respite for the time being).

The answer is that I've gone back to playing my level 80 Ninja for the time being and here's the current glam I'm using:

Spiffy innit?  The glam includes:

  • Hive Kris
  • Althyk's Helm Scouting
  • Replica High Allagan's Gauntlets Striking
  • Althyk's Cuisses Scouting
  • Elemental Boots Scouting

Take care and happy gaming!

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