Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Pax interview with Yoshida and Mogi on Reddit-- and Relics!

Yes indeed good ladies and gentlemen, Reddit has just posted an insightful interview with Yoshi-P and Yusuke Mogi and it showcases interesting information on various aspects of the game.  Great read.

Moving along to other in-game elements, patch 5.25 was released today and the patch notes can be found HERE... and the relics contained therein are truely wonderful.  Let's be brutally honest: the storyline was definitely took a decent amount of time (if one actually took time to digest the dialogue) and I thoroughly enjoyed the revealing information regarding the Blades of Gunnhildr-- plus the battles were very interesting. There was a sense of "closure" for a charcater and we got to experience what really went down at that Citadel--- many of us have been waiting for almost five years for that bit of information.

Not to mention, the new BGM in that new area was very very nice.

So enjoy the new weapon, go practice on clearing a certain new Extreme battle several times over--- and mentally prepare for the relic grind that is obviously incoming with future patches.

Also from Reddit, user Omni has been kid enough to develop a wonderful table showcasing all the necessary requirememnts for obtaining the crafting and gathering relics

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