Saturday, March 20, 2021

Forspoken | Square Enix | Official Title Announcement | PS5 & PC

Yes indeed great ladies and gentlemen-- remember a few months ago there was a mad fervor online when people found out that SE had registered the trademark "Forspoken"?  And many people speculated that was the possible title for FFXIV 6.0 expansion?

Well now we know the official truth-- wonderful Square Enix wonderfully announced that it is the official title for Project Athia.  When I heard and saw the video, my PS5 literally smiled at me--- I can't wait to really get my hands on this title and FFXVI for my PS5-- bored of Godfall, Valhalla, Legion and a few others--- my console and I need a wicked Square Enix game.

And this answers the want.

I'm loving this and will keep an eye out for pre-orders.  Speaking of which, I keep wondering if Agni Philosophy will ever emerge as a full game on the PS5-- everyone remember the real-time tech demo on it released around 2012 or 2014?  In case you forgot, here's the video to juggle your memory...

Wicked innit...?  Now just waiting on more amazing games and visuals from Visual Works (they make some really insane cutscenes for AAA games)

Alright, that's all today-- and don't forget that there is the FFXIV: Live Letter Part LXIII is scheduled for 2 April, 2021!

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