The Resonance of Eorzea

Friday, June 14, 2024

FFXIV Dawntrail Live Letter LXXXII and NEW Launch Trailer!


Who and what is "Solution Nine"?

First possibility-- Mide and Dayan from the Alexander story arc went into another timeline and built the City

Second-- everything I was talking about back in 2019/2020 regarding the Tales From The Shadows "An Uncompromised Tomorrow" began to fall into place once more.

Third-- another Ascian?

Fourth-- remember Gabranth, Ashe and Rasler from the Bozjah storyline?  Did Noah fake his demise, flee to Valnain -- the port city located in southern Dalmasca-- and then used his new found mysterious power to transverse the annals of time to create Solution Nine?

Fifth-- Speaking of Dalmasca, what if-- Princess Ashe in fact the mysterious young lady in the trailer??? Could it be that she joined forces with Gabranth to develop Solution Nine?

Anyway-- onwards to the images from the Live letter!

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