Thursday, October 29, 2009

While waiting for Micromania 2009 to commence...

...I thought I'd post up a quick comment about the striking similarities that one of the new images from SE's FFXI update had with the Disciple of War image.  Square Enix is presently updating FFXI with an update that composes of three parts; the first of which was done early this morning (the other two parts are scheduled for November 9th and then late November).

Now, with the swift and well appreciated .dat-mining work done by Tummie of the Zam forums, (yeah, he's actually on my server Garuda), I found one of the images that looked strikingly similar to each other.  See for yourself:

 Of course the FFXI version looks coarse and unrefined due to the graphical limitations, but it does show similarities in the general style, colour, helmet, leg greaves (even see the similar design in the aeration on the knee, forearm and hip areas?).  Intresting huh?  Can't wait to see how to get acquire these in-game, especially since I'm up to date with my WoTG missions.

BTW, this is primarily a FFXIV blog and even though I try to sustain a core principle of only posting FFXIV-related material (with occasional references to FFXI), I couldn't help but post up a piccy of this awesome looking weapon (which was also in the FFXI update files of this morning).  Love it.  There were also some excellent images of the .dat mining work done by wilddragon and you can view them on his blog.

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