Tuesday, November 3, 2009

No FFXIV Info at Micromania in France...

... Yeah, the Micromania 2009 exhibition for this year ended yestarday; and yes, Square Enix were at the show but once again spent considerable time exalting FFXIII.   No new info on FFXIV (which is again understandable since FFXIII is about to be released within the next six weeks)... other than the fact that they used the oppurtunity to again prompt European clients to try and sign up for future beta information.

Ah well.

However, while we continue to wait for news on Eorzea, I wanted to briefly discuss an intriguing subject that has been nudging my mind for several weeks.   It concerns the main "waterfall" image of FFXIV... and I keep wondering if the strange looking stalagmite-like "pillars" represent something.  I've circled them in the piccy below:

Question is, knowing SE and their excellent reputation for sometimes placing "hidden" hints, could these "pillars" mean something or I'm just clutching at straws here?  (Might just be straws, yeah... and the fact that I'm kinda into "speculation mode" again.  Yeah). 

Nonetheless... if they did have a significance of some sort, what would your guess be?  That a "Temple of the Twelve" once stood there?  Or a gateway to the ethreal realm?   Perhaps it was where Ala Migho once stood?  (remember the searing light in both trailers... but if it was the cause, shouldn't the surrounding vegetation be charred?).  Meh, might mean nothing... might mean something.
You decide xD

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